
Guzmania sanguinea var. erecta (André) Mez  diagnose
; 0 a more robust variety of the type; 1 it is distinguished by a thick creeping stem, upright leaves which are lanceolate and abruptly acute, covered below by small, dark purple spots; 2 its peduncle is coarse and long, 40 cm or more, densely covered with bractlike leaves, ovate or acuminate-acute and sheathed. inflorescence larger; grows in humid forests in the southern cordilleras of the colombian andes near altaquer at 1000 m altitude; fruiting in may; (andre's herbarium, no; 3369 bis.) i have not seen any flowers of this plant; when examined under a magnifier, its foliage is spotted with innumerable dark violet dots which shall cause me to name it c; myriostigma, should future studies of the inflorescence allow me to establish it as a new species.

Edited from : Andre 1889. (protologue) Bromeliaceae Andreanae. Description et Histoire des Bromeliacées, récoltées dans la Colombie, l\'Ecuador et la Venezuela .