
<- Guzmania sanguinea var. erecta (André) Mez[as Guzmania sanguinea var. erecta Andre]
Diagnose: —Forma typo multo validior, caudice subrepente, crasso, foliis erectis breviter lanceolato-acutis, subtus multipunctulatis, scapo elongato robusto bracteis ovatis v. acuminato-acutis arcte invaginato, capitulis majoribus

Observations: —Notes
1. This taxon cannot be identified with any known species. Luther’s comment, “This is very doubtfully a variety of G. sanguinea and may be conspecific with G. fusispica Mez & Sodiro; regardless, the type and the only illustration are so poor that a positive identification is impossible.
2. C. myriostigma was never published and the provisional name for C. sanguinea var. erecta should it be determined to be distinct

Edited from : Andre 1889. (protologue) Bromeliaceae Andreanae. Description et Histoire des Bromeliacées, récoltées dans la Colombie, l\'Ecuador et la Venezuela .