
Aechmea andersoniana Leme & H.Luther  diagnose
plant epiphytic, stoloniferous, stolons suberect, ca 6 cm long, ca 0.6 cm diam. leaves ca 15 in number, subcoriaceous, suberect, forming a narrow funnelform rosette, equaling to exceeding the inflorescence; sheath elliptic, ca 8 x 4.5 cm, wine colored mainly inside, densely and inconspicuously white-lepidote on both sides; blade linear, acuminate, apically pungent, 14–30 x 1.4–1.7 cm, distinctly canaliculate, entire toward base, laxly and irregularly spinulose near the apex, spines less than 0.5 mm long, inconspicuously white-lepidote on both sides, green. inflorescence: peduncle erect, slender, ca 20 cm long, ca 0.3 cm diam., subdensely white-lanate when young; peduncle bracts linear-lanceolate, acuminate, 18–25 x 3–4 mm, membranaceous, erect, shorter to slightly exceeding the internodes, exposing the peduncle, entire, pale greenish-white to pale stramineous, nerved, inconspicuously white-lanate; fertile part simple, subdensely cylindric, 5.5–7 cm long, ca 2.5 cm diam; floral bracts lanceolate to narrowly triangular, acuminate-caudate, membranaceous, yellowish to pale stramineous, sparsely lepidote to glabrous, 6–15 x 4–5 mm, the lower ones equaling to slightly exceeding the sepals, the upper ones distinctly shorter than the sepals to equaling the ovary. flowers 30 to 60, ca 20 mm long, sessile, polystichously arrranged, suberect, anthesis diurnal, odorless; sepals ovate, ca 7 x 4 mm, strongly asymmetrical, the lateral wing rounded, membranaceous, bearing at apex a slender 1 mm long mucro, connate for ca 2 mm, ecarinate, glabrous, yellow; petals narrowly subspatulate, acute to subacute, suberect at anthesis, ca 14 x 4 mm, free, white, without any appendages, bearing 2 conspicuous callosities which equal the filaments. stamens included; filament the antepetalous ones adnate to the petals at base for ca 6 mm, the antesepalous free; anther sublinear, base saggitate, apex acute, slightly recurved, ca 3 mm long, fixed near the middle. pistil: stigma conduplicate-spiral, ellipsoid, greenish-yellow, blades inconspicuously crenulate; ovary broadly obconic, terete, ca 6 mm long, ca 5 mm diam; yellow; epigynous tube ca 1 mm long; placentation apical; ovules obtuse. fruits ovoid, 7–8 x 6- 7 mm, black when ripe.

Edited from : Leme & Luther 2003a. (protologue) Two New Species of Aechmea from Bahia, Brazil .