
Aechmea x pseudonudicaulis Leme emend. Gouda  (Artificial hybrid)  diagnose
plant flowering ca 65 cm high leaves ca8, rosulate, 40–65 cm long, forming a sub-tubular utriculum at the base. leaves: sheath long oblong-elliptic, 20–30 cm long, ca 8 cm wide, inside wine coloured, outside green, both sides almost dense white lepidote; blade linear, 20–35 cm long, 6–7 cm wide, green, above dense white lepidote, underneath pale white bands, tip rounded and conspicuously apiculate, margin with subdense spines, spines brown 1–2 mm long. inflorescence: peduncle erect, ca 45 cm long, 7 mm diam., at first lightly white wooly; peduncle bracts linear-lanceolate, ca 7 cm long, ca 2 cm wide, membranaceous, well nerved, almost entire or irregularly spined, red, both sides white lepidote, fimbriate scales, the lowest ones part enclosing the peduncle but by no means totally hiding it, erect, tip acuminate-caudate, the upper ones sub-erect, tip slender acuminate, densely aggregated near the inflorescence; fertile part simple, like a pine cone, cylindric, a dense spike, exceeding the leaves, ca9 cm long, 2–2.5 cm diam., the tip with a slight coma; floral bracts the lower ones similar to the peduncle bracts and much exceeding the flowers, the higher ones ovate-elliptic, tip slender acuminate, becoming glabrous, red, nerved, entire, equlling the height of the sepals or a little shorter, membranaceous. flowers sessile, polystichous, 20–22 mm long, sub-erect; sepals almost asymmetric with a sub-rounded membranaceous winghigher than the central part, sub-oblong, ca 8 mm long, mucronate, micron 1 mm long, 2 mm connate at the base, red, glabrous, inconspicuously warty toward the base; petals obovate, tip emarginate, , ca 13 mm long, maximum width 6mm, erect, yellow, at the base 2 fimbriate ligules ca 2 mm long and also 2 longitudinal calluses 8 mm long, free. stamens included, filaments sub-complanate, series i free, series ii adnate for 2 mm with the petals, anthers linear, 5 mm long, base sagittate and tip apiculate, dorsifixed near the middle. pistil: ovary tubular, sub-elliptic, glabrous, inconspicuously warty, white, epigynous tube ca 2 mm long, placenta joined to the tip of the locules; ovules blunt.

Edited from : Bradea. .