
<- Aechmea x pseudonudicaulis Leme emend. Gouda  (Artificial hybrid)[as Aechmea pseudonudicaulis x Leme]

Observations: —A. pseudonudicaulis. as its name suggests, is similar to the well known A. nudicaulis (Linnaeus) Grisebach. However, it differs in the inflorescence with small apical coma composed of sterile bracts, scape bracts irregularly thorny, much larger floral bracts in comparison with flowers, sepals connate at the base and obtuse ovules.
On the other hand, this new species also possesses some likeness to A. alegrensis W. Weber, differing in the scape bracts irregularly thorny and densely joined close to the base of the inflorescence, lower floral bracts similar to the scape bracts, sepals with mucro of only lmm., petals totally yellow and ovary glabrous

Luther considers this closer to A. comata and thus Ortgiesia rather than it being in the sub-genus Pothuava as suggested when this taxon was described.

Edited from : Bradea. .