
Aechmea aciculosa Mez & Sodiro  diagnose  protologue
plant flowering 50 cm tall, 30 cm wide, forming dense groups, propagating by short stolons, rosette elongated and tubular in lower part. leaves few; sheath 20 cm long, 6 cm wide, sub-erect, elliptic, margins entire, densely lepidote, purple; blade 55 cm long, 3.5 cm wide, margins spiny with spines 0.5 mm long, lingulate, canaliculate, apex rounded and apiculate, abaxially densely lepidote, green. inflorescence 9 cm long, 2 cm wide, simple, lax, pink, white lepidote, erect; peduncle shorter than the leaves, 50 cm long, 5 mm in diameter, erect, lepidote; peduncle bracts 8 cm long, 1.8 cm wide, lanceolate, apex acuminate, margins serrate, laciniate, erect, imbricate; spikes with 8–12 polystichously flowers; floral bracts 10 mm long, 3 mm wide, lanceolate, armed with an apical spine, margins entire, covered with white trighomes, shorter than the ovary, pink. flowers sessile, purple; sepals connate 2.5 mm, 7 mm long, 7 mm wide, ovate, asymmetrical, apex armed with a mucro 3 mm long, totally covered with whote trichomes, pink with white apex; petals,base linear and about equalling the sepals, 1.5 cm long, purple, petal blades elliptic with apex sharp point; with two appendages at the base. pistil: ovary 14 mm long, globose, covered with white trichomes, pink.

Edited from : Manzanares 2002a. Bromeliaceae of Ecuador (Jewels of the Jungle) : Bromelioideae .