
Aechmea amorimii Leme  diagnose
plant epiphytic. leaves coriaceous, forming a funnelform rosette; sheath 15 x 8 cm, oblong-elliptic, very densely brown lepidote on both sides, dark brown outside, purplish inside and toward apex; blade sublinear, 50–60 x 6 cm, slightly narrowed toward base, inconspicuously but subdensely white-lepidote, green, laxly spinose toward base and densely near the apex, spines almost black and nearly straight, 0.5–1.5 mm long, apex acuminate, distinctly cuspidate, pungent, asymmetric, soon drying. inflorescence: peduncle ca 15 cm long, ca 0.8 cm in diameter, white-lanate; peduncle bracts linear-lanceolate, apex acuminate, 8 x 1.5 cm, papyraceous, stramineous, white-lanate on the margins, laxly spinulose, spines ca 0.5 mm long, the upper ones massed beneath the inflorescence, reflexed; fertile part simple, shortly cylindric, densely flowered, ca 6 cm long, ca 4–5 cm in diameter, distinctly shorter than the leaves; rachis straight, densely white flocculose; floral bracts basal ones resembling the upper peduncle bracts but smaller, exceeding the flowers, the upper narrowly triangulate, acuminate, 20–25 mm long, 5- 7 mm wide at base, entire, distinctly equaling or shorter than the sepals. flowers ca 25 mm long, sessile, densely and polystichously arranged, slightly fragrant; sepals asymmetric, connate at base for ca 2 mm, ca 14 mm long including the 4 mm long apical spine, 4–5 mm wide, ecarinate, sparsely whiteflocculose near the base, inconspicuously brown-lepidote on the lateral membranaceous wing, green toward the base, stramineous near the apex; petals narrowly lanceolate, apex acuminate, strongly reflexed at anthesis and exposing only the stigma, 22 x 5 mm, free, naked, white. stamens: filament the epipetalous ones almost completely adnate to the petals, the episepalous ones free; anther linear, base saggitate, apex acuminate-caudate, ca 6 mm long, fixed near the middle. pistil: style slightly surpassing the anthers; stigma conduplicate-spiral, sub cylindric, white, blades with inconspicuously crenulate margins; ovary terete, ca 12 mm long, ca 8 mm in diameter, sparsely white flocculose, inconspicuously verruculose, green; placentae apical; ovules few, obtuse; epigynous tube narrow, ca 3 mm long.

Edited from : Leme 1996d. (protologue) Two New Species From the Coastal Region of Bahia, Brazil .