
<- Aechmea amorimii Leme[as Aechmea amorimii Leme]
Diagnose: —A A. bicolor L.B. Smith, cui affinis, apicibus foliorum asymmetricis, inflorescentia densa, sepalis distincte, mucronato-spinosis, petalis longioribus, nudis, apice acuminatis differt.

Observations: —This new species belongs to the Brazilian complex of species in the superseded genus Streptocalyx, now included in Aechmea. Although it is not closely related to any previously known species, A. amorimii may be placed near A. bicolor L.B. Smith, differing from it by its asymmetrical leaf apex, dense inflorescence, sepals ending in a distinct spine, and by the longer, naked, acuminate petals.

Edited from : Leme 1996d. (protologue) Two New Species From the Coastal Region of Bahia, Brazil .