
Orthophytum humile L.B.Sm.  diagnose  protologue
plant rupicolous of small size, stoloniferous, sometimes associated with white-ants; short stem, 0,8–2 x 1–2 cm. leaves numerous, densely imbricates, lightly arched, suberect when young, 3–22,3 cm; sheath greenish, triangular, base a little enlarged, 0,4–1,2 x 0,4 1,0 cm, margins spinescent, spines antrorse, 0,1–0,3 mm long; blade subcoriaceous, the outermost green, passing, towards the centre of the rosette, vinaceous to rose, white to green, linear - triangular, 2,5–21,5 x 0,2–0,5 cm, densely lepidote, margins spinescent, spines antrorse, 0,7 - 14 cm long, apex mucronate. inflorescence sessile, simple, ca 20 flowers; involucral bracts totally green or green with a whitish apex, triangular-lanceolate, ca 2,2 x 0,8 cm, margins spinescent, sparsely lepidote, apex mucronate; profile missing; floral bracts subcoriaceous, green, asymmetrical, triangular, 1,3–2,1 x 0,4–1 cm, lepidote with captiate trichomes, margins spinescent in the upper half, in the lower part with small scattered spines, apex mucronulate. flowers: sepals green, asymmetrical, carinate, narrow triangular, ca 1,5 x 0,3 cm, capitate trichomes, margins entire, apex mucronulate; petals white, linear-spatulate, ca 1,8 x 0,6 cm, lobes with simple trichomes, apex obtuse, petal appendages sacciform, fimbriate-digitate, to ca 4 mm from the base of the petals, evident lateral callosities; epigynous tube ca 1 mm long. stamens of the first ring adnate to the petals in the basal part, portion free from the filaments ca 0,4 mm long, the second ring forming a circle at the base of the sepals, ca 1,1 cm long, anther ca 3,5 mm long. pistil: ovary trigonoou, style ca 1,1 cm long. fruits and seeds not seen.

Edited from : Louzada 2008. Taxonomia e citogenética das espécies de inflorescência séssil do gênero Beer (Bromeliaceae) .