
<- Orthophytum humile L.B.Sm.[as Orthophytum humile L. B. Smith,]

Observations: —Orthophytum humile is intimately related to Orthophytum sp., differing essentially by the densely lepidote leaf blades, and for the green colouration of the leaves, with the centre of the rosette red in Orthophytum sp. The inflorescence is simple in O. humile, while in Orthophytum. sp. the inflorescence has outside branches, each branch with two to three flowers.
According to Wanderley & Conceicao (2006), the species closely related to it are Orthophytum navioides L.B. Sm. and O. mucugense Wand. & Conceicao. O. humile differs from those species by having short rhizomes, filiform leaves, and short and appressed scales whereas O. navioides has long rhizomes, longer leaves, glabrous to sparse lepi¬dote, and O. mucugense has triangular-lanceolate to linear-lanceolate leaves glabrous to sparse lepidote.

Edited from : Louzada 2008. Taxonomia e citogenética das espécies de inflorescência séssil do gênero Beer (Bromeliaceae) .