
Bromelia carnea Beer  diagnose
plant hardly 1' high, bright blue green. leaves 2' long, sharp serrate and weak thorny tip. inflorescence almost sitting between the leaves. leaves the same and the upright bracts which are tile-shaped, abundantly surround the flowers - bright dirty purple, wine red coloured, lively fire red at base. flowers very close together, capitate standing together, all upright, bright red purple colored. pistil: style far exerted, blue purplish colour. stamens upright, little exerted, dirty golden yellow; (the bromelia carnea of paris gardens is probably this described by lindley and pictured plant.).

Translated by Derek Butcher from: Beer 1854. (protologue) Versuch einer Eintheilung der Familie der Bromeliaceen nach deren Blüthenstand in Fürnrohr, A.E. (ed.) Flora oder Botanische Zeitung: welche Recensionen, Abhandlungen, Aufsätze, Neuigkeiten und Nachrichten, die Botanik betreffend, enthält.