
<- Bromelia carnea Beer[as Bromelia carnea ]

Observations: —This Bromelia longifolia is strikingly different from B. longifolia Rudge as Lindley pointed out. He is not sure what is the real B. longifolia Rudge because he remarked on the distinct leaf blade length. -The base of the leaves seems also different , while Rudge, has leaves widely extensively covered, the drawing by Lindley is at least not exactly visible. It was therefore nothing like this species with the name Bromeliad carnea Hort and both forms should be kept apart.

Translated by Derek Butcher from: Beer 1854. (protologue) Versuch einer Eintheilung der Familie der Bromeliaceen nach deren Blüthenstand in Fürnrohr, A.E. (ed.) Flora oder Botanische Zeitung: welche Recensionen, Abhandlungen, Aufsätze, Neuigkeiten und Nachrichten, die Botanik betreffend, enthält.