
Tillandsia fasciculata var. bogotensis André  diagnose
; 0 basal leaves with a widened base and a rolled-up blade imperceptibly terminating in a point, 20–30 cm long, leathery, grayîsh, abundantly covered with scales simîlarly to the bractlîke leaves. inflorescence: peduncle sturdy, erect, together wîth the infiorescence becoming 50 cm tall, covered with numerous, overlapping bractlike leaves with widened and clasping bases and ending in a long, brîstly point, reaching almost as far as the mîddle of the infiorescence; panicle dense, imperfectly two-sided, 20 cm long, composed of 6–8 spikes gathered at the top of the peduncle, erect, fascicled and 8–15 cm long, 4 cm wïde, sitting in the axils of broad bracts which are ovate-acute, keeled, strongly furrowed, 4 cm long, glabrous and orange-colored with red margins; calvx about as long as the bract and having oblong-acute sepats. flowers: corolla whitish, bordered with violet blue or blue, the petals overtopping the calvx bv 2 cm. stamens and pistil longer than the petals.

Edited from : Andre 1889. Bromeliaceae Andreanae. Description et Histoire des Bromeliacées, récoltées dans la Colombie, l\'Ecuador et la Venezuela .