
Dyckia oligantha var. cristallina Rauh  diagnose
plant short, bulbous base thickened by the old sheaths which cover the trunk, flowering to 30 cm high (fig; 9, left). leaves numerous, forming an about 12 cm high and 20 cm wide rosette; sheath distinct, 1,8 cm high, 1 cm wide, both sides white, shiny, glabrous, smooth; blade very narrow-triangular-acuminate, erect, 10–12 cm long, above the sheath 1 cm wide, both sides lepidote, the edges with 2 mm long, hooked bent spines. inflorescence: peduncle erect, 21 cm long, 3 mm thick, round, green, white lepidote; peduncle bracts densely adjacent to the peduncle, bottom ones subfoliate, middle ones with filiform blade, longer, the upper ones shorter than the internodes, long acuminate, lepidote; nodes somewhat thickened; fertile part simple, 7 cm long, ± 8-flowered; rachis weakly flexuous, light green, white lepidote. flowers at time of anthesis directed downwards, postfloral erect ( fig; 9, right), short and thick stemmed, at the time of anthesis opening wide; floral bracts wide-oval, long acuminate, 1 cm long, nerved, green with brownish top, edges with ciliate teeth, white lepidote, shorter than the sepals; pedicel ± 2 mm long, 2 mm thick, lepidote; sepals ecarinate, longish - ovate, blunt, smooth, ± 8 mm long, orange-yellow, at the top green, fleshy, scattered lepidote, edges ciliate toothed; petals orange-yellow, ligulate, ecarinate, weakly creased, ± 11 mm long, 7 mm wide, edges ciliate. stamens and style enclosed; filament very wide, fleshy, anthers bent outwards; filament-tube to 5 mm high, filaments otherwise free. pistil: style very short, ± 1 mm, stigma yellowish, papillose; ovules winged.

Edited from : Rauh 1988a. (protologue) Bromelienstudien (Mitteilung 20). I. Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern .