
<- Dyckia oligantha var. cristallina Rauh[as Dyckia oligantha var. cristallina Rauh]
Diagnose: —A typo var. oligantha (e Serra do Cipo, Minas Gerais) differt basi tuberosa caulis, foliis angustissimis et habitatione septentrionali (Cristallina, Estado Goias). Holotypus: Rauh 67366 (Mai 1986), in herb. inst. bot. system. univ. heidelb. (HEID). Patria et distributio: prope Cristallina, 800 m.s.m., Estado Goias, Brasilia.

Observations: —Differ from the type var. oligantha,( Serra do Cipo, Minas Gerais), through the bulbous trunk at the base, the very slender leaves and the more northern location, (Cristallina, Goias).
var. oligantha
Stem base not bulbous thickened. Blades above the sheath to 1,5 cm wide. Rhachis thin, flexuous. Pedicels 5 mm long. Sepals at the edges smooth. Filament-tube short.
Location: Serra do Cipo, 1400 m, Minas Gerais.

var. cristallina Rauh
Stem base bulbous thickened. Leaves numerous, narrow, at the base only 1 cm wide. Rhachis thick, straight. Sepals at edge ciliate toothed. Filament-tube 5 mm high.
Location: near Cristallina, 800 m, Goias.

Edited from : Rauh 1988a. (protologue) Bromelienstudien (Mitteilung 20). I. Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern .