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<< ("Key to small Mexican Tillandsias (to 10-15cm diam) with green, greenish-yellow petals and included stamens. )

Updated by Derek Butcher & Eric Gouda: 10-02-2020 10:35:46.

2PeduncleVisible and substantial3
Hardly visible and very short4
3Spikecomplanate with distichous flowerstortilis v. tortilis
tubular with polystichous flowers, Leaves secundcurvifolia
4Plantopen, Inflorescence mainly simple, Spike short and widelepidosepala
dense rosette 15x 12cm wide. Inflorescence compound densely capitateatroviridipetala var yagulensis
5Planta dense flattened rosette6
a bulbose rosette14
6Leavesevenly reflexed7
7Trichomesfeathery, Primary bracts longer than the spikes that are 1-3 floweredplumosa
not feathery8
9Spikesmainly one floweredatroviridpetala var atroviridipetala
4 – 12 flowered, to 5cm longgrandispica
10Inflorescencemainly with single spiketeloloapanensis
with 2-6 spikes11
11Leaf Sheathforming a bulbatroviridipetala var. longepedunculata
densely pressed togethermauryana
12Inflorescenceto 7 spikes13
one spikepenascoensis
13Floral Bracts & sepalsalmost glabrousboqueronensis
dense lepidotemauryana fa. secundifolia
14Inflorescencemainly simple distichous narrow lanceolate spike but sometimes with 1-2 smaller side spikesignesiae
compound 3-7 spikes each to 7 flowered, leaves wavy after first 1cm, primary bracts shorter than spikescaballoensis