<- Leme & Kollmann 2007 (Article) Orthophytum

Studies on Orthophytum - Part VI - Three New Species from Espírito Santo, Brazil

Author(s):E.M.C. Leme & L.J.C. Kollmann

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 57(4): 149-158. (2007)

Abstract:—A systematic survey was conducted by the staff of researchers of the Museu de Biologia Prof. Mello Leitão at the mountainous habitats composed of Atlantic Forest and magnificent rocky scarps, in the central-north region of Espírito Santo State. The work revealed a quite unusual bromeliad flora, including the three new orthophytum species described here.

Published names (3):
Orthophytum boudetianum
Orthophytum pseudovagans
Orthophytum striatifolium