<- Leme & Paula 2003 (Article) Orthophytum

Uma nova espécie de Orthophytum de Minas Gerais, Brasil

Author(s):E.M.C. Leme & C.C. de Paula

Publication:Vidalia 1(1): 1-5. (2003)

Abstract:—The authors describe and illustrate Orthophytum grossiorum Leme & Paula as a new species of Bromeliaceae from Minas Gerais, and also provide morphological data which distinguishes it from the closer related taxon, Orthophytum fosterianum var. estevesii Rauh. The most important morphological characteristics presented by the new species is concerning the presence of distinct basal rhizomes, lepidote leaves, smaller spines on leaf margin, inflorescence sometimes compound. yellow floral bracts with smaller marginal spines, and smaller flowers.

Published names (1):
Orthophytum grossiorum