<- Ribeiro & Leme 2015 (Article) Dyckia

Three new species of Dyckia from iron rich outcrops of the Espinhaço Range, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Author(s):O.B.C. Ribeiro & E.M.C. Leme

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 65(1) 14-27. (2015)

Abstract:—Dyckia Schultes & Schultes f., with 162 accepted species (Butcher & Gouda cont. upd.), is the second largest genus in Bromeliaceae subfamily Pitcairnioideae and the one with greatest diversity in Brazil, where approximately 80% of the species oc- cur (Forzza, 2001). The members of this genus have an exclusively South American distribution, with diversity centers in southern Brazil within the Cerrado and Campos Rupestres ecosystems (Forzza, 2001).

Published names (3):
Dyckia conceicionensis
Dyckia ferrisincola
Dyckia incana