<- Manzanares & Till 2013 (Article) Racinaea

Racinaea lutheri, A New Racinaea From Amazonian Ecuador

Author(s):J.M. Manzanares & W. Till

Publication:Journal of the Bromeliad Society 62(6): 263-267 "2012". (2013)

Abstract:—Species of the genus Racinaea are sometimes not easy to classify and therefore misidentifications occur like in the case of this new species which has been previously identified as Racinaea dielsii. However, if a detailed morphological analysis of the plant and the inflorescence is performed many different characteristics to identify it as a distinct species can be found and hence it is described below.
Racinaea lutheri Manzanares & W. Till, sp. nov.

Published names (1):
Racinaea lutheri