Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads
Version 5
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If you are registered with a password, just login here. This online version is updated on a daily basis (has no version date nor ISBN number). Application updated: 20-03-2025 11:38
Status Information of the online version Genus pages (excluding indexes) 550 Genus Synonym pages 550 Species (Taxon) and description pages (including subsp., var. etc.) 3781 Species Synonym (Taxon) pages (including subsp., var. etc.) 4572 - number of Taxon pages with Photographs (2563) Large Picture & Information pages number X(2441) and Y(2398) 4839 Total number of Photographs (at least 2 for each Taxon if available) 7289 Literature Reference pages 4979 - number of Literature references included in Species pages (27493) Number Basic information pages (main menu) 10 Total number of objects in version 5 (numbers in italic not added to the totals) 26570