Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads
Version 5

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This online version is updated on a daily basis (has no version date nor ISBN number). Application updated: 11-07-2024 10:27

Status Information of the online version
Genus pages (excluding indexes)550
Genus Synonym pages550
Species (Taxon) and description pages (including subsp., var. etc.)3786
Species Synonym (Taxon) pages (including subsp., var. etc.)4570
- number of Taxon pages with Photographs(2465)
Large Picture & Information pages number X(2346) and Y(2293)4639
Total number of Photographs (at least 2 for each Taxon if available)6862
Literature Reference pages4901
- number of Literature references included in Species pages (27422)
Number Basic information pages (main menu)10

Total number of objects in version 5 (numbers in italic not added to the totals)25868