<- 40-166.1 ->

<- Aechmea timida Leme
(subgen. Chevaliera)

Publ: Phytotaxa 177(2): 67-69 (2014)

Type: BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Alvarenga, near the border with Tarumirim, Córrego Alta Floresta, Serra do “Sibitiduca, old property of Alcebíades, 815 m elevation, 19° 25’ 23” S, 41° 46’ 18” W, 21 June 2012, E.Leme 8664, R.Vasconcelos & R.Faria. (holotype RB!, isotype HB!).

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Distribution: BRAZIL. Minas Gerais

Habitat: forming a small terrestrial population scattered in a severely disturbed fragment of wet Atlantic Forest, ca. 800 m. Elev. img

Etymology: The name of this new species is based on the Latin word timidus, as a reference to its inconspicuously colored, non-showy inflorescence.

Aechmea timida