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Ortgiesia (subgen. of Ortgiesia is a synonym of:

<- Ortgiesia (subgen. of Aechmea) (Regel) Mez

Publ: Bromeliaceae (part 2) 3 (3): 308 (1892)

Type: Ortgiesia tillandioides Regel, Gartenflora 16: 193, pl. 547. 1867.

Number of species: 21

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Taxa included

  1. Aechmea alegrensis W.Weber
  2. Aechmea apocalyptica Reitz
  3. Aechmea blumenavii Reitz
  4. Aechmea calyculata (E.Morren) Baker
  5. Aechmea candida E.Morren ex Baker
  6. Aechmea caudata Lindm.
  7. Aechmea coelestis (K.Koch) E.Morren
  8. Aechmea comata (Gaudich.) Baker
  9. Aechmea cylindrata Lindm.
  10. Aechmea gamosepala Wittm.
  11. Aechmea gracilis Lindm.
  12. Aechmea joannis T.Strehl
  13. Aechmea kertesziae Reitz
  14. Aechmea kleinii Reitz
  15. Aechmea leonardkentiana H.Luther & Leme
  16. Aechmea lymanii W.Weber
  17. Aechmea organensis Wawra
  18. Aechmea pimentivelosoi Reitz
  19. Aechmea recurvata (Klotzsch) L.B.Sm.
  20. Aechmea seideliana W.Weber
  21. Aechmea winkleri Reitz