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Pseudonidularium (subgen. of Pseudonidularium is a synonym of:

<- genus Nidularium Lem.
(subfam. Bromelioideae)

Publ: Jard. Fleur. 4: Misc. 60 pl. 411 (1854)

Type: Nidularium fulgens Lemaire, Jard. Fleur. 4 (Misc.): 60, pl. 411. 1854.

Number of species: 47
   and 7 infraspecific taxa
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Genus Notes:

Jard. Fleur. 4: ad t. 411; Misc.: 60. 1854. Aregelia Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 2: 698. 5 Nov 1891 was published as an avowed substitute for Nidularium, treating it as a homonym of Nidularia Bull. ex J. St.-Hil., Expos. Fam. Nat. 1: 6. 1805 (nom. rej.) (Gasteromycetes). Two other homonyms for Nidularia also exist: Nidularia Fr. in Fr. & Nordholm, Symb. gasteromyc. 1: 2. 1817 (nom. cons.) (Gasteromycetes), and Nidularia Withering, Bot. arr. Brit. pl. Ed. 2, 2: 859. Aug-Nov 1787 (nom. rej.) (Myxomycetes).
Type Nidularium fulgens Lem., Jard. Fleur. 4: ad t. 411; Misc.: 60. 1854. Currently recognized in the subfam. Bromelioideae. See Aregelia. From the Greek nidulus, nest, as to the appearance of the plant as a bird’s nest.
(from Grant & Zijlstra 1998)