genus Cryptanthus Otto & A.Dietr. (non Osbeck, 1757) |
(subfam. Bromelioideae)Publ: Allg. Gartenz. 4: 298 (1836)
Allg. Gartenzeitung 4: 298. 17 Sep 1836, nom. cons., non Cryptanthus Osbeck, Dagb. Ostind. Resa: 215. 1757 (phan.-incertae sedis).
Type Cryptanthus bromelioides Otto & A. Dietr., Allg. Gartenzeitung 4: 298. 17 Sep 1836. Currently recognized in the subfam. Bromelioideae. From the Greek krypto, hide, and anthos, flower, as to the sometimes inconspicuous inflorescence.
(from Grant & Zijlstra 1998)