<- 28- 44.1 ->

<- Nidularium rolfianum Leme

Publ: J. Bromeliad Soc. 59(6): 247-253 (2009)

Type: Brazil: São Paulo, Tapiraí, between Piedade and Tapiraí, road to Cachoeira do Chá, ca. 400 m elev., 7 Jul. 2004, E. Leme 6405 & R. Zorning, fl. cult. Febr. 2008. Holotype: HB. Isotypes: RB, SEL.

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Distribution: BRAZIL; São Paulo

Habitat: epiphyte in the Atlantic Forest, 400 m. Elev.

Etymology: The name chosen for this new species honors one of its collectors, Rolf Zorning, from Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, a pioneer in the large scale industrial production of ornamental bromeliads, and so one responsible for the popularization of these plants in the country.

Nidularium rolfianum