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<- Orthophytum guaratingense Leme & L.Kollmann

Publ: J. Bromeliad Soc. 60(1): 5-7 (2010)

Type: Brazil. Bahia, Guaratinga, Córrego do Ouro, 323 m. elev., 16º36.33’S 40º00.65’”W, 22 Apr. 2009, E. Leme 7784, L. Kollmann, A. P. Fontana & C. Esgário (Holotype, RB; Isotype, MBML).

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Distribution: BRAZIL; Bahia,

Habitat: saxicolous plants occur in full sun forming small groups densely aggregated in depression of the granitic surface where a very shallow layer of organic substrate has accumulated. However, the larger groups of plants were found associated with large clumps of Aechmea sp. and Alcantarea sp. which provided them a partially shaded growing condition. Although the green leafed plants of Orthophytum guaratingense are more common at the type locality, we also observed reddish-leafed groups of plants, 320 m. Elev.

Etymology: Called after the county of Guaratinga.

Orthophytum guaratingense