<- 38- 21.3 ->

<- Hohenbergia aechmeoides Leme
(subgen. Hohenbergia)

Publ: Rodriguésia 61(1): 37-41. Figs. 6 a-h, 7 a-b (2010)

Type: BRAZIL. PARAÍBA: near João Pessoa, III.1998, R. Menescal s.n., fl. cult. (holotype RB 495810; isotype HB).

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Distribution: BRAZIL: Paraiba

Habitat: Terrestrial in the coastal plain vegetation, near sea level m. Elev.

Etymology: The name chosen for this new species to call the attention to its intermediate floral structure when compared to typical Hohenbergia and some members of the genus Aechmea.

Hohenbergia aechmeoides