<- 8- 84.2 ->

<- Pitcairnia betancurii L.B.Sm.
(subgen. Pitcairnia)

Publ: Phytologia 71(1): 67 (1991)

Type: COLOMBIA. Antioquia: Municipio Medellin, Old road to Guarne, forest reserve of the Universidad Nacional, woods along the road, 6° 17' north latitude, 75° 30' west longitude, 1900-2000 m alt., 23.V.1987, Julio C. Betancur, T. Fonnegra & palynology class 464 (HOLOTYPE: US; Isotype: HUA).

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Distribution: COLOMBIA; Antioquia,

Habitat: 1900-2000 m. Elev.

Pitcairnia betancurii