<- 8- 83.1 ->

<- Pitcairnia rubronigriflora Rauh
(subgen. Pitcairnia)

Publ: Trop. Subtrop. Pflanzenw. 50: 32 (1984)

Orthography: Pitcairnia rubro-nigriflora

Type: Holotype: Rauh and von Bismarck 53 676 (Aug. 1980), in the Herbarium of the Institute for Systematic Botany of the University of Heidelberg (HEID).

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Distribution: PERU; San Martin,

Habitat: Mountainous forest, above Tarapoto, near the road., at 800 m. Elev.

Etymology: It owes its name to the bicolored sepals which are bright red in the basal half and dark violet in the upper half. These colors give the impression that the plant is already in full, open flower when in only the prefloral state.

Pitcairnia rubronigriflora