<- 15-174.1 ->

<- Vriesea blackburniana Leme

Publ: J. Bromeliad Soc. 55(1): 20 (2005)

Type: Brazil, Bahia: field collected in Nova Canaa, Serra da Boa Vista (Oricana), 600-700 m, Aug. 15, 2001, by E. Leme 5292, R. F. Reis Jr., J C. M. Falcon & E. Silva, and flowered in cultivation, Feb. 2003, E. M. C. Leme s. n. (Holotype: HB; isotype: RB).

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Distribution: BRAZIL; Bahia,

Habitat: growing as an epiphyte, on tree trunks ca. 5 m above the ground in a well preserved Atlantic Forest fragment,. Its type locality, despite the fragmentary condition, shelters a luxuriant bromeliad community represented by Aechmea spp., Billbergia sp. Canistrum sp., Guzmania lingulata, Neoregelia spp, Nidularium spp. (including N. bicolor, N. longiflorum and N. procerum), Portea spp., Racinaea spiculosa, Ronnbergia silvana, Tillandsia spp. and Vriesea spp. (including V. noblickii, V. oleosa, V. scalaris, etc), 600-700 m. Elev.

Etymology: This new species is named in honor of Chet Blackburn, who worked for seven years as editor of the Journal of the Bromeliad Society, from volume 46 (1996) to 52 (2002), and contributed through his editorial efforts to promote the increasing interest for Bromeliaceae all over the world.

Vriesea blackburniana