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Orthophytum heleniceae is a synonym of:

<- Sincoraea heleniceae (Leme) Louzada & Wand.

Publ: J. Bromeliad Soc. 66(1): 13 (Fig. 5) (2017)

Type: Brazil. Bahia: field collected in Andarai, Cachoeira da Garapa, 1300 m, by Helenice Ribeiro & Oscar Ribeiro s. n., flowered in cultivation July 2003, E Leme 5 794 (Holotype: HB).

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Distribution: BRAZIL; Bahia,

Habitat: grows on somewhat vertical rock crevices, forming densely grouped clumps, 1300 m. Elev.

Etymology: The name chosen for this new species honor one of its collector, Helenice Ribeiro. Helenice and her husband Oscar are bromeliad collectors in Rio de Janeiro and brought back from some trips to Bahia well documented specimens of Bromeliaceae which supported the study presented here.

Sincoraea heleniceae