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Podaechmea is a synonym of:

<- genus Aechmea Ruiz & Pav.
(subfam. Bromelioideae)

Publ: Classis VI. Hexandria Monogynia. Pourretia Vol.1: 47. t. 8 (1794)

Status: nom.cons.

Type: Streptocalyx poeppigii Beer, Bromel. 141. 1856.

Number of species: 245
   and 73 infraspecific taxa

Taxa included

  1. Aechmea Baker
  2. Chevaliera (Gaudichaud ex Beer) Baker
  3. Lamprococcus (Beer) Baker
  4. Macrochordion (de Vriese) Baker
  5. Ortgiesia (Regel) Mez
  6. Platyaechmea (Baker) Baker
  7. Podaechmea Mez
  8. Pothuava (Baker) Baker
  9. Streptocalyx ined.

  10. Search images on Google Permanent URL

Genus Notes:

Fl. peruv. prodr.: 47. Oct 1794, nom. cons. (against Hoiriri Adans., Fam. pl. 2: 67, 584. Jul-Aug 1763).
Type Aechmea paniculata Ruiz & Pav., Fl. peruv. 3: 37. Aug 1802. When Ruiz & Pavon originally established Aechmea, they did not attribute any species to the genus. In 1802, they described a single species, Aechmea paniculata, thereby establishing it as the obligate type. Currently recognized in the subfam. Bromelioideae. The genus sensu Smith & Downs (1979) is clearly artificial, polyphyletic, and in need of a careful revision. The attempts by Smith & Kress (in Phytologia 66: 70-79. 27 Apr 1989, and Phytologia 69: 272-274. 14 Nov (‘Oct’) 1990) to alleviate the problem by elevating the seven subgenera of Aechmea recognized by Smith & Downs (1979) to the generic level only caused further confusion. Particularly problematic is the incorrectness in their choice of generic names. From the Greek, aichme, spear.
(from Grant & Zijlstra 1998)