<- 8- 60.1 ->

<- Pitcairnia calcicola J.R.Grant & J.F.Morales
(subgen. Pitcairnia)

Publ: Novon 6: 366-9. (1996)

Type: Costa Rica. Guanacaste: Parque Nacional Barra Honda, Sendero Las Cavernas, bosque secundario en la cima y falda sur del Cerro Barra Honda, 10°09'S2"N, 85°21'45"W, 420 m, 8 Sep. 1993, Morales 1659b, Reyes, & Lepiz (holotype, INB; isotypes, CR, MO, US).

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Distribution: COSTA RICA; Guanacaste,

Habitat: terrestrial on exposed limestone hills, 100-200 m. Elev.

Phenology: flowers from late August through mid-September during the rainy season. By December and January, the plants have finished flowering and die back to stolons that remain viable until the rains of April and May stimulate sprouting. The seeds are distributed mainly by wind or by adherence to small animals.

Pitcairnia calcicola