<- 15-205.1 ->

<- Vriesea jonesiana Leme

Publ: Harvard Pap. Bot. 4(1): 154-156. (1999)

Type: BRAZIL. Sao Paulo: road Caraguatatuba to Sao Jose dos Campos, alto da serra, collected 10 August 1995, flowered in cultivation December 1945, E Leme, Jones C da Silva, Rafael de Oliveira & Rubem Rangel 3187 (Holotype: HB). Fig. 14.

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Distribution: BRAZIL; Sao Paulo,

Etymology: Vriesea jonesiana is named after its first collector, Jones Caldas da Silva from Rio Grande do Sul. Over the past 20 years, he has contributed tirelessly to the increase in knowledge of the Brazilian Bromeliaceae especially in the southern region of the country.

Vriesea jonesiana