<- 14-167.4 ->

<- Tillandsia recurvispica L.Hrom. & P.Schneider
(subgen. Aerobia)

Publ: Bromelie 1987(1): 1-4, back cover (1987)

Type: Holotype leg. H & L Hromadnik, July 1977, HR 3007 ( WU ) Bolivia, Prov. of Cochambamba. To the west of Quillacollo, 2500m, on vertical walls in the river valley of Rio Caine with T. lorentziana, T. duratii, T. hirta, T. caliginosa, T. pedicellata, and T. capillaris.

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Distribution: BOLIVIA; Cochabamba,

Habitat: on vertical walls, 2500 m. Elev.

Tillandsia recurvispica