<- 14-180.3 ->

<- Tillandsia bella T.Strehl
(subgen. Anoplophytum)

Publ: Iheringia 54: 24-25 (2000)

Type: BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul. Capapava, Pedra do Segredo, 6. VIII 1990,. T. Strehl 1097 (HAS 31017). Paratypus: ibidem,. 6.XII 1989, T. Strehl 1064 & J. C. da Silva (Holotypus: HAS 30590).

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Distribution: BRAZIL; Rio Grande do Sul

Habitat: pendant on the sandstone walls of rocks in the formation called Pedra do Segredo.

Etymology: the name makes reference the beauty of the species and of the place where it grows.

Phenology: No particular time of flowering; it has been seen flowering in the months of January, March, April, July, August, October and November.

Tillandsia bella