<- 8-104.2 ->

<- Pitcairnia koeneniana E.Gross & Barthlott
(subgen. Pitcairnia)

Publ: Trop. Subtrop. Pflanzenw. 95: 12-14, 32-3. (1997)

Type: Holotypus : B.G. Bonn 08382, leg. M. KOENEN 13* 19*MK (29.12.1990), in herb. inst. bot.system.univ.heidelb. (HEID). between Ixtlan and Tepic, Prov. Nayarit, west Mexico.

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Distribution: MEXICO; Nayarit,

Habitat: crater-edge of the volcano-lake near Santa Maria Del Oro, on a vertical rock-wall, that is shaded by trees, 380 m. Elev.

Etymology: named after its discoverer

Phenology: Night flowered; the flowers smell fruity to musty.

Pitcairnia koeneniana