<- 34- 15.3 ->

<- Orthophytum toscanoi Leme

Publ: Journal of the Bromeliad Society 53(1): 20-24 (2003)

Type: Brazil. Bahia: Cordeiros, Poco da Moca, field collected July 2000 by Raymundo E Reis s. n. , flowered in cultivation Oct. 2001 , E. Leme 4920 (HT: HB).

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Distribution: BRAZIL;. Bahia,

Habitat: terrestrial in wet forest

Etymology: This species honors the botanist and orchid specialist, Antonio Luiz Toscano de Brito, member of Herbarium Bradeanum and Associate Professor of the University of Feira de Santana, Bahia, now living in the Bahian city of Rio de Contas, Chapada Diamantina. Dr. Toscano has greatly contributed to the study of the flora of the State of Bahia.

Orthophytum toscanoi