<- 26-113 ->

<- Neoregelia mucugensis Leme
(subgen. Longipetalopsis)

Publ: Canistropsis, Bromeliads of the Atlantic Forest 83-85,140. (1998)

Type: Bahia, Chapada Diamantina,Jan. 1994, Heitor Cintra s. n. legit, fl. cult. Nov.1995, E. Leme 2280. Holotype: HB.

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Distribution: BRAZIL; Bahia,

Etymology: One of the sites where this new taxon was found is called Mucugezinho, a diminutive form of Mucuge. The name N. mucugensis refers to this region by the Latin suffix ensis (= "from Mucuge")

Phenology: There are several clones of this species in cultivation that flower from September to December.

Neoregelia mucugensis