<- 8- 16.1 ->

<- Pitcairnia cana B.Holst
(subgen. Pepinia)

Publ: J. Bromeliad Soc. 43(6): 252-253, 255 (1993)

Type: O. Huber 12706 (holotype, VEN; isotype, MO).Venezuela. Amazonas: Sierra de Maigualida, northwest sector, headwaters of Rio Iguana, affluent of the Rio Asita, 1,720 m, 5°43'N, 65°19'W, 25 Mar. 1988,

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Distribution: VENEZUELA; Amazonas,

Habitat: grows among granitic outcrops and in shrub thickets where it can form large colonies., 1720 , m. Elev.

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the gray scales that cover all parts of the plant except the flowers.;

Pitcairnia cana