<- 40- 74 ->

<- Aechmea lasseri L.B.Sm.
(subgen. Aechmea)

Publ: J. Bromeliad Soc. 3(5): 43 (1953)

Type: Foster & Teuscher 2737 (holotype, US; isotype, VEN), (Rancho Grande), Parque Nacional Henry Pittier, Aragua, Venezuela, 13 Oct 1951.

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Distribution: VENEZUELA; Aragua,

Habitat: Terrestrial and epiphytic in cloud forest,, 400-1600 m. Elev.

Etymology: We take pleasure therefore in dedicating this ornamental bromeliad to Dr: Tobias Lasser in recognition of his manifold contributions to the botany of Venezuela and in appreciation of the bromeliads which he has helped to bring into cultivation.

Aechmea lasseri