<- 40 ->
Hoplophytum is a synonym of:

<- Platyaechmea (subgen. of Aechmea) (Baker) Baker

Publ: Handb. Bromel. 33 (1889)

Type: Aechmea distichantha Lemaire, Jard. Fleur. 3: pl. 269. 1853.

Number of species: 25

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Taxa included

  1. Aechmea chantinii x retusa
  2. Aechmea tessmannii x tillandsioides
  3. Aechmea \'Orange River\'
  4. Aechmea anomala L.B.Sm.
  5. Aechmea caesia E.Morren ex Baker
  6. Aechmea chantinii (Carrière) Baker
  7. Aechmea contracta (Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Baker
  8. Aechmea cucullata H.Luther
  9. Aechmea dealbata E.Morren ex Baker
  10. Aechmea dichlamydea Baker
  11. Aechmea distichantha Lem.
  12. Aechmea gentryi H.Luther & K.Norton
  13. Aechmea longipedunculata Betancur & Aguirre-Santoro
  14. Aechmea manzanaresiana H.Luther
  15. Aechmea moorei H.Luther
  16. Aechmea reclinata C.Sastre & R.Brithmer
  17. Aechmea retusa L.B.Sm.
  18. Aechmea romeroi L.B.Sm.
  19. Aechmea serrata (L.) Mez
  20. Aechmea smithiorum Mez
  21. Aechmea sumidourensis Leme
  22. Aechmea tessmannii Harms
  23. Aechmea tillandsioides (Mart. ex Schult.f.) Baker
  24. Aechmea wittmackiana (Regel) Mez
  25. Aechmea zebrina L.B.Sm.