<- 40 ->
Lamprococcus is a synonym of:

<- Lamprococcus (subgen. of Aechmea) (Beer) Baker

Publ: Handb. Bromel. 33 (1889)

Type: Lectotype. Aechmea fulgens Brongniart, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. II. 15: 371. 1841

Number of species: 16

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Taxa included

  1. Aechmea andersonii H.Luther & Leme
  2. Aechmea brevicollis L.B.Sm.
  3. Aechmea campanulata L.B.Sm.
  4. Aechmea capixabae L.B.Sm.
  5. Aechmea carvalhoi E.Pereira & Leme
  6. Aechmea corymbosa (Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Mez
  7. Aechmea farinosa (Regel) L.B.Sm.
  8. Aechmea fulgens Brongn.
  9. Aechmea glandulosa Leme
  10. Aechmea miniata (Beer) hort. ex Baker
  11. Aechmea pedicellata Leme & H.Luther
  12. Aechmea podantha L.B.Sm.
  13. Aechmea racinae L.B.Sm.
  14. Aechmea victoriana L.B.Sm.
  15. Aechmea warasii E.Pereira
  16. Aechmea weilbachii F.Didr.