<- 39 ->

<- genus Disteganthus Lem.
(subfam. Bromelioideae)

Publ: Fl. Serres Jard. Eur. 3: t. 227 (1847)

Orthography: Distichanthus

Type: Disteganthus basi-lateralis Lemaire, Fl. Serres 3: pl. 227. 1847:

Number of species: 4

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Genus Notes:

Fl. Serres Jard. Eur. 3: ad t. 227. Mai 1847.
Type Disteganthus basi-lateralis Lem., Fl. Serres Jard. Eur. 3: ad t. 227. Mai 1847. Currently recognized in the subfam. Bromelioideae. From the Greek dis, two, stego, cover or sheathed, and anthos, flower.
(from Grant & Zijlstra 1998)