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Nidularium correia-araujoi is a synonym of:

<- Canistropsis correia-araujoi (E.Pereira & Leme) Leme

Publ: Canistropsis, Bromeliads of the Atlantic Forest 32-34,.137. (1998)

Type: Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Jacarepagui, Vargem Pequena, 7 Jan. 1985, L. K. Correia de Araujo s. n., cult. E. Leme 625. Holotype: HB. Isotype: RB. Clonotype:WU.

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Distribution: BRAZIL; Rio de Janeiro,

Etymology: Canistropsis correia-araujoi is named in honor of Luiz K Correia de Araujo, a pioneer of organized bromeliad cultivation in Brazil. Lulu Correia de Araujo, as he is known to his friends, has introduced many new bromeliad species to horticulture, some of which have tremendous ornamental value, such as Aechmea correia-araujoi and Hohenbergia correia-araujoi.

Phenology: flowers in cultivation during December and January in Rio de Janeiro

Canistropsis correia-araujoi