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Cryptanthus zonatus forma zonatus is a synonym of:

<- Cryptanthus zonatus Vis.

Publ: Preprints 343 (1854)

Type: Neotype: Brazil: Pernambuco, Prov. Caruaru, fl. cult., 25 Jun 1972, E. Waras s.n. (HB).

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Distribution: Brazil: Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco & Alagoas

Habitat: terrestrial on clayey and sandy soil in areas of coastal forests known as restinga, 25-680 m. Elev.

Etymology: named after the zoned leaf areas with dense whitish and less dense indument

Phenology: Flowering occurs in February, August, September and October. Fruiting occurs in July, August and October.

Cryptanthus zonatus