<- 25 ->
Placseptalia is a synonym of:

<- genus Ochagavia Phil.
(subfam. Bromelioideae)

Publ: Anales Univ. Chile. 13: 168 (1856)

Type: Type: 0. elegans Phil.

Number of species: 4

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Genus Notes:

Anales Univ. Chile 13: 168. Mai 1856.
Type Ochagavia elegans Philippi, Anales Univ. Chile 13: 168. Mai 1856. Currently recognized in the subfam. Bromelioideae. “Dixi in memoriam cl. Sylvestris Ochagavia, Instructionis publicae in Republica Chilensis annis 1853 et 1854 ministri.” [Named in memory of the illustrious Sylvestris Ochagavia, who served as a public school teacher in Chile from 1853-1854.]
(from Grant & Zijlstra 1998)