<- 16 ->
Devillea is a synonym of:

<- genus Guzmania Ruiz & Pav.
(tribus Tillandsieae)

Publ: Fl. peruv. 3: 37. t. 261 (1802)

Type: Guzmania tricolor Ruiz & Pav. [= Renealmia monostachia L., Guzmania monostachia (L.) Rusby ex Mez]

Number of species: 221
   and 26 infraspecific taxa
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Genus Notes:

Fl. peruv. 3: 37. Aug 1802.
Type Guzmania tricolor Ruiz & Pav., Fl. peruv. 3: 37. Aug 1802. Currently recognized in the subfam. Tillandsioideae. The genus sensu Smith & Downs (1977) is polyphyletic, and in need of a careful revision. “Genus nuncupavimus D. Anastasio Guzman, Pharmacopeo industrio et sedulo plantarum, animalium, aliorumque corporum naturalium alacri per Americem peregrinationibus nostrā memoriā institutis, scrutatori.” [We name the genus for pharmacist Master Anastasio Guzman, who diligently and attentively scrutinized plants, animals, and other natural bodies, active traveler of America, and set in our memory.]
(from Grant & Zijlstra 1998)