<- 15- 10 ->

<- Vriesea maguirei L.B.Sm.
(section Xiphion)

Publ: Mem. New York BG 18(2): 32 fig. 5 F-H (1969)

Type: BRAZIL. Amazonas: summit, Serra da Neblina, 2,340 m elev., 1 December 1965, Maguire, Pires & Maguire 60442 (holotype US!, isotypes US!, NY!, F!)

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Distribution: Venezuela; Brazil

Habitat: epiphyte or terrestrially, 1730–2500 m. Elev.

Etymology: The specific epithet “maguirei” refers to the collector of the type, Bassett Maguire (1904–1991)

Vriesea maguirei